7th student-organized workshop on human-computer interaction

"A balanced world where technology transferring between humans and environments"

OpenHci 是一個年度的學生人機互動工作坊,由設計領域與工程背景的學生在五天的工作房中合作,在工作房最後一天的發表品項包含智能產品、互動程式、影像、影片與報告。OPEN HCI團體致力於追求新穎的可能性和實驗性的點子而非製作安全的專案。

今年的主題是 "GITOPIA 超覺未來" 意旨一個由未來人與先進科技組成的,未來性、和諧性、平衡性的世界。
設計的視覺包含兩個核心原則:1.兩種反映人與科技的顏色(紅與藍) 2.各種兩色的移動方式,反映出人與科技的關係。作為最後的成品,主視覺不是一個靜態的視覺系統而是各種視覺變化組成的體系。


Open HCI is an annual student-organized workshop that lasts for 5 days, where students from both design and technology background are recruited and work as teams. The workshop focuses on pursuing radical and exciting ideas instead of conservative projects, and the topic of this year is "GITOPIA 超覺未來" stands for a balanced ,futuristic and harmony future world. After five days of brainstorming, discussion and prototyping, on the final demonstration, all the teams bring great proposals such as intelligent products, interactive programs, images and films, in both the form of slide presentation and live demo.

The identity and website I've designed for the topic of this year are followed by two principles. First, two colors (e.g. red and blue) stand for humans and technology; second, the movement of these two colors reflects the relationship between humans and technology. Accordingly, there are different types of visual image instead a static one for the identified system.

Executive Team: OpenHCI'16 Committee
Art-director: Chieh-Ting,Lee
Graphic design: Chieh-Ting, Lee, Jar Chen
Motion design:Chieh-Ting, Lee, Jar Chen
Photography: Jun-Yo Liu, Nick Chou, Sonia Chen
Web: Xin-Cheng Hou, Samantha Lin, Chieh-Ting Lee, Jar Chen 
Exhibition: Yu-Tung Hsiao, Shih-Yu Liu, Chun-Mao Tseng, Chieh-Ting Lee, Jar Chen
Model: Violeta Chung, Holy Ho
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